Living as a minimalist

By 05:06



     [RO]     1. Ce inseamna minimalismul.

             Minimalismul este in totalitate despre simplificarea vietii. Este ceea ce propune revenirea la lucrurile importante, reusirea de a stapani goana catre "a avea mai mult pentru a fi mai fericit". Spatiul privat pe care ni-l cream pentru a avea liniste si o minte mai clara, un loc care sa ne ofere siguranta si protectie este locul unde ne simtim cel mai in largul nostru. Beneficiile pastrarii unui asfel de loc in conditii minimale sunt extraordinare.  

       [EN]  1. The meaning of minimalism.

Minimalism it is all about simplifying your life. It proposes the return to the important things and managing to stop the rush for having more in order to he happier. The private space that we create for ourselves, a place of silence and a clear mind, a place of safeness and protection-that's the place where we feel good. The benefits of keeping this place in minimal conditions are extrordinary. 

        [RO]  2. Domenii in care putem aplica minimalismul.

Minimalismul poate fi utilizat in toate domeniile. Astfel, in arhitectura si in design interior porneste de la o filozofie, o nevoie de a trai simplu si liber, meditatie si cunoastere de sine. Aplic minimalismul in creatiile mele, fotografie si ca stil de viata. Sunt inca in proces de studiu al minimalismului, il redescopar in fiecare zi si fac schimbari in  permanenta.
         [EN] 2. Where can we apply minimalism. 

Minimalism can be used in all the areas of life. So in architecture and interior design it starts from a philosophy, a need to live a simple and much more meaningful life, meditation and self-knowledge. I apply minimalism in my creation, photography and as a  life style. I am still in the process of studying minimalism, I rediscover it every day and I am in permanent change. 

       3. Beneficii ale minimalismului. 
Libertate- minimalismul aplicat in toate aspectele vietii de zi cu zi- ofera sansa de a alege stilul de viata dorit, nefiind fortati de societate sa urmarim viata care ni se impune, de a cumpara si de a consuma excesiv. Odata cu eliberarea de lucruri materiale nefolositoare, la nivel pshihologic se declanseaza o schimbare- o constientizare a libertatii de a alege: un spatiu privat liber, materiale dure in forma lor primara- lemn, marmura, sticla,  mobilier putin si folositor, culori neutre sau non-culori, obiecte de arta care aduc valoare vietii personale, plante care sa creeze legatura om-natura precum si lumina naturala care indunda toata casa. Intr-un astfel de spatiu se realizeaza meditatia, un spatiu calm si liber, neaglomerat cu obiecte nefolositoare depozitate in mobilier care nu aduce niciun beneficiu incaperii. Meditatia ofera un ragaz de liniste, un intreg proces de relaxare, reflectie si contemplare. In acest proces, creierul produce reactii contrare celor aduse de stres: pulsul si tensiunea arteriala scad, respiratia devine mai lenta si muschii se relaxeaza. Stilul de viata minimalist are un efect de calmare si deseori genereaza incredere personala, toleranta, conectare cu sinele si autocontrol. A ajunge sa traiesti cu mai putin este de fapt o eliberare si este mult mai bine decat sa traiesti cu mai mult. Imbunatatirea vietii in mod progresiv este un element important in alegerea acestui stil de viata.

      [EN] 3. The benefits of minimalism.

 Freedom- minimalism applied in all aspects of day-to-day life offers the chance to choose your desired lifestyle, not being forced by society to follow the life that it imposes, to buy and to consume excessively. With the release of useless material things you can feel a change at a pshycological level- an awareness of freedom and choice: a private space with materials used in their raw form such as wood, marble, glass; less and useful furniture , neutral colors or non-colors, art objects that add value to your personal life, plants that create a human-nature connection and natural light all over the house. In this kind of space meditation it is achieved, a calm and open space, uncluttered with useless objects stored in furniture that no longer compliment the room. Meditation offers a quiet respite, an entire process of relaxation, reflection and contemplation. In this process the brain produces reactions that are contrary to stress: pulse and blood pressure drops, breathing becomes slower and the muscles are now relaxed. Minimalist lifestyle has a calming effect and often generate personal trust, tolerance, and self-connection. Getting to live with less is actually a release and it is far better than to live with more. Progressively improving your life it is an important element in choosing this lifestyle.

Eliminarea lucrurilor in exces si pastrarea esentialului- primul pas spre un stil de viata minimalist este renuntarea la anumite posesiuni care ne incarca fizic si mental. Fiecare dintre noi avem in casa, in masina, in spatiul personal lucruri care nu ne mai folosesc dar pe care le pastram din anumite motive, uneori exista sentimente care ne leaga de ele, sau apare acea vina pentru banii cheltuiti pe acel obiect, alteori le pastram pentru momentul in care s-ar putea sa avem nevoie de obiectul respectiv, insa acel moment nu apare iar obiectul nu face decat sa ne streseze si sa ne aglomereze. Prin eliminarea excesului ajungem sa ramanem cu esentialul- cateva obiecte pe care le folosim, mobilier putin, in culori neutre, un spatiu curat, obiecte pe care le apreciem si de care avem nevoie in fiecare zi. Contrar ceea ce se crede despre cei care practica minimalismul, nu exista un numar de posesiuni in care trebuie sa ne incadram pentru a fi numiti minimalisti. Fiecare e liber sa aleaga in ce fel foloseste conceptul de a simplifica.

Eliminating the excess and keeping the essential- the first step of achiving a minimalist lifestyle it is decluttering. Getting rid of the stuff that are cluttering our lives mentally and physically. We all have in our house, in our cars, in our personal spaces things that we no longer use but we keep them for some reasons. Sometimes it is because they have some sort of sentimental value to us or it is the guilt of the money we spent on those things, other times we keep them only because we wait for that moment when we will need them. That moment never comes and those objects are there to clutter our house and our mind.  By eliminating the excess we get to keep the essential- some objects that we use, some furniture in neutral colors, a clean space, the objects we appreciate and we use everyday. Despite of the beliefs, we don't need to fit into a number of possesions to be called minimalists. Everyone is free to choose their way of using the concept of simplifying.

Aprecierea spatiului- si in acelasi timp, a obiectelor detinute. Mentinerea acestora intr-o stare buna, curata, aprecierea indeaproape a fiecaruia din ele. Spatiul privat trebuie sa indeplineasca trei criterii importante: sa fie compact, confortabil si practic.

The apreciation of space - and in the same time the apreciation of your posessions. Maintaining them in a good and clean state and being thankful for each and every one of them. The private space must achive three important criterions: to be compact, comfortable and practical.

Claritate mentala- creierul uman se simte liber sa aleaga si liber sa constientizeze ceea ce se afla in jur fara a simti presiunea obiectelor nefolositoare si a spatiului incarcat, rigid; creativitatea se dezvolta foarte mult in perioada de tranzitie catre un mod de viata si o casa in stil minimalist.Abundenta nu aduce cu sine nici gratie, nici eleganta. Culorile sunt cele care obosesc vederea. Negrul, albul, griul sunt fuziunea tuturor celorlalte culori si totodata absenta lor. Aduc un stil de o simplitate desavarsita si dau senzatia de libertate si lipsa a complicatiei. Armonia acestor culori si alegerarea materialelor nobile in viata de zi cu zi- desenul natural al lemnului, suprafata lui, patina si forma-redau o simplitate si o constientizare a vietii alese. Precum sanatatea corpului nostru deprinde de hrana pe care o alegem, ceea ce punem in interiorul casei noastre are o serie de repercursiuni asupra echilibrului nostru psihologic.

Mental clarity- the human brain has to be free to choose and free to analise the things around you without feeling the pressure of clutter so this way the creativity evolves very much in the period of transaction onto a minimalist lifestyle. The abundance doesn't bring grace nor elegance. The colors are only wearying the eyes. Black, white and grey are the fusion of all the colors and still the absence of it. They bring a style of a perfect simplicity and they give a feeling of freedom. The harmony of these colors and the natural textures of materials such as the wood in its natural state make an awareness of the chosen life. Such as the health of our body depends of the food we choose, the things we put in our house have a big impact on our psihical balance.

       [RO] 4. In ce fel m-a ajutat minimalismul. 

Am descoperit minimalismul probabil in cel mai bun moment al vietii mele cand totul parea sa se prabuseasca in jurul meu si existau o multime de sentimente neplacute: stres, presiune si  o mare dezordine la nivel mental si spiritual. Astfel, inainte sa aflu ca pot aplica minimalismul in viata personala si nu doar in arhitectura si design, am inceput sa fac curatenie in spatiul personal si sa scap de obiectele nefolositoare. Am observat ca la sfarsitul fiecarei activitati de acest fel, ma simteam putin mai libera.Asadar, am inceput  sa ma informez. Am aflat in prima faza ca fiecare obiect pe care il detinem este procesat si analizat in subconstient si reprezinta o sursa de griji si in acest fel, un factor de stres. Incepusem sa inteleg de ce de fiecare data cand scapam de anumite obiecte ma simteam eliberata, pentru ca fara sa imi dau seama, eliminam grijile sau macar o parte din ele in fiecare zi. Cand am aflat despre conceptul de minimalism ca stil de viata, totul a inceput sa se lege. Eram fascinata, voiam sa stiu mai mult. In primele zile am povestit familiei, prietenilor si iubitului meu pentru ca ma simteam tot mai convinsa de aceasta noua descoperire care mi-a schimbat modul de a gandi. Am inceput sa reorganizez, sa arunc si sa donez lucrurile care nu imi mai foloseau si care simteam ca ma aglomereaza. In acelasi timp, am inceput sa imi scriu lucrarea de disertatie in arhitectura si design interior care se numeste "Minimalismul-Reintoarcerea la esenta". Dupa ce am simtit ca am eliminat o mare parte din inutil si am reusit sa pastrez esentialul in viata mea, am reusit sa fiu mai calma, mai linistita si mai libera. Este o senzatie ce nu poate fi explicata pana nu se ajunge la ea. Sunt in continuare in proces de simplificare, si imi doresc sa inteleg si sa explic mai departe minimalismul in cea mai buna forma. 

        [EN] 4. The way minimalism helped me.

I discovered minimalism maybe at the most perfect time of my life when everything was a mess with lots of changes and bad feelings such as stress, pressure and clutter on a mental and spiritual level. Before I knew that I can apply minimalism in my personal life and not just only in architecture and design, I started to clean my personal space and to get rid of unnecessary stuff. I've noticed that after doing this activity I was feeling better and got a feeling of freedom. So I started to look for answers. First thing that I found out was that every object we own it is analised in our brains in a subconcious way and it represents a stress that generates worry. By that moment I started to realise why every time when I got rid of possesions I was feeling liberated, it was because without realising it, I was also getting rid of my stress or at least a part of it every day. When I found out about the concept of minimalism as a lifestyle, it all seemed to click. I was fascinated, I wanted to know more. In that week, I told my family about it, I told my friends about it, and my boyfriend because I was feeling convinced of this new discovery that changed my way of thinking. I started reorganising, trowing away and donating the things that I no longer used and the stuff that were just clutter. On that same period, I was writing my architecture and design dissertation paper called "Minimalism- The return to the essence". After feeling like I got to keep only the essential in my life and decluttered everything I own, I was feeling more calm and relaxed and also free. It is a feeling that can not be described until you get there. I am still in the process of simplifying, I want to understand and to explain minimalism at its best. 

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