Povestea mea- Toi et Moi Chokers

By 03:37


 Pasiunea mea pentru colierele la baza gatului este foarte veche, mi s-a parut intotdeauna ca dau o eleganta aparte persoanei insa nu am fost atat de interesata de ele, recunosc, pana au devenit un trend. Pana am inceput sa le vad, sa le admir si sa le caut. Insa nu erau niciodata pe placul meu, mereu aveam de modificat ceva la ele.

Colaborarea cu Toi et Moi a venit in cel mai potrivit moment: m-am simtit inspirata si motivata sa creez o colectie de coliere tocmai pe placul meu, am avut libertate de exprimare si am contribuit de la designul logo-ului, la coliere si chiar la modul de ambalare a acestora.

Acum cat scriu acest articol se fac primele livrari Toi et Moi si emotia este mare. Abia astept feed-backurile voastre. Vreau sa stiu ce credeti ca trebuie sa modificam, sa imbunatatim, ce v-a placut, ce nu v-a placut, ce ati vrea sa vedeti in continuare. Orice idee ne ajuta sa crestem.
Ma simt inspirata sa creez, probabil acum mai mult ca niciodata. Si simt ca acesta este abia inceputul. Tot ceea ce fac este un produs al pasiunii si al efortului. 

Cand asortezi o tinuta cu un choker, duci outfitul la un nivel superior. Indiferent ca este o rochie de seara sau doar un tricou si jeans pentru o zi obisnuita de scoala. Un colier de acest fel la baza gatului spune ca ai facut un efort sa arati bine, ca esti constienta de ceea ce porti si nu ca ai apucat prima haina din dulap (chiar daca uneori este asa). 
Poarta-l cu incredere si cauta diferite tinute cu care se potriveste. 

Colierele choker sunt o idee buna pentru un cadou.

Abuzeaza de acest trend pentru ca te face sa te simti mai puternica si mai motivata in fiecare zi. Si ai multe optiuni in aceasta situatie- Toi et Moi vine in curand cu si mai multe! 

Urmariti-ne pe Facebook Facebook si Instagram pentru ceea ce urmeaza.
 Va promit ca o sa va placa! 
Comenzi pe email: toietmoi.chokers@yahoo.com 
mesaj privat pe Facebook\Instagram (@toietmoi.chokers)


My passion for chokers started many years ago, I always noticed that they bring a kind of ellegance to the person wearing a choker but I wasn't that into it until, I admit, it became a trend. I started seeing it, admiring it and searching for it. Actually, they were never quite as I wanted to be, I used to make some changes until I really liked a choker.

The collaboration with Toi et Moi came in the best possible moment: I felt inspired and motivated to create a choker collection to match my type and my personallity, I had the freedom to express myself and I designed the logo, the chokers and even the packages.

Now while writing this article, they make the first Toi et Moi deliveries and I am so excited! I can't wait to hear your feedbacks. I want to know what do you think we should change, what should we improve, what you liked about it, what you didn't like, what you would love to see next. Any idea would help us grow.

 I feel inspired to create, probably more than I ever did. And I feel this is only the beginning. Everything I do is a product of passion and effort.

When you match your outfit with a choker, you take the outfit to another level. No matter if it's an evening dress or just a T and jeans for a regular school day. A choker shows that you've made an effort to look good, that you are aware of the cloths you are wearing and the way you present yourself and you didn't pick the first thing in your closet (even if sometimes it is that way).

Chokers are a very good gift idea.

Abuse this trend because it will make you feel more confident, stronger and motivated every day. And you've got a lot of options in this matter: Toi et Moi will soon launch more products! 

Follow us on Facebook Facebook and Instagram  
I promise you'll love what's coming next! 
Order on email: toietmoi.chokers@yahoo.com 
Private message on Facebook\Instagram (@toietmoi.chokers)

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