Boudoir Society Outfit | Bandage dress| COD DE REDUCERE |

By 01:12

[RO] Cand este vorba de o rochie de tip bandage, nu vad ce ar putea sa mearga rau. Acestea se potrivesc oricarei siluete, dintr-un material cu structura puternica insa o tesatura elastica care se muleaza perfect pe corp, pentru momentele in care cautam o tinuta eleganta dar totusi comoda. 
Eu am avut placuta surpriza de a face cunostiinta cu creatiile Boudoir Society din care, sincer, mi-a fost greu sa imi aleg o singura tinuta avand in vedere ca le-as fi purtat pe toate. Am ales un set format dintr-un crop top si o fusta conica, ambele cu fermoar vertical pe partea centrala a spatelui ce reprezinta un detaliu de design functional si care adauga o nota sexy tinutei. 
Eram foarte curioasa sa vad cum arata in realitate aceasta impletitura care defineste conceptul celor doua piese si am fost placut surprinsa de atentia cu care a fost lucrata. 
Intr-o nuanta de rose gold, rochia mea straluceste in bataia soarelui sau in lumina  petrecerilor de seara.
Este probabil cea mai confortabila tinuta eleganta din garderoba mea, simt ca poate fi usor purtata atat la un eveniment de tip brunch cat si la o iesire in oras in timpul serii siii... mai sunt multe de vazut si incercat! 
Site-ul Boudoir Society (il gasiti aici) ne fascineaza de la prima vizita, eu deja imi caut urmatoarea tinuta si va ofer un cod de discount pentru a economisi 15 euro pentru orice rochita cumparata. Codul este Andree 
Sunt curioasa ce ati vazut si v-a placut, ce anume ati vrea sa incercati. Astept mesajele si comentariile voastre! 
All my loving to you! @andreeabotta

[EN] When talking about a bandage dress, I don't see any way for it to go wrong. These kind of dresses can fit any type of body, they are made with a powerful structure and a soft elastic fabric that fits the body perfectly right, exactly for those moments when we want to be ellegant but still comfy. 
I was lucky to get in touch with some amazing designs made by Boudoir Society and it was honestly so hard to pick just one outfit when I wanted to wear them all. I chose a double piece with a crop top and a skirt, both with a central zipper on the back which represents a functional design detail and adds a sexy vibe to it.
I was very curious about the front part that makes the entire concept on both pieces and I was stunned by the way it was perfectly made. 
In a rose gold shade, my dress shines into the sun and also into the spotlight. 
It is probably the most confortable and ellegant piece from my wardrobe, I feel it is easy to wear both on a brunch event and into an evening party.
Boudoir Society (find it here) makes us fall in love from the fist visit and I'm already on their website looking for my next target. Also I am giving you a discount code to save up 15 euro on every dress you buy. The code is Andree
I am excited to know what you would like to try from their designs, what you loved, any questions you might have. Leave me messages and comments and I will try to answer all of them! 
All my loving to you! @andreeabotta

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