10 Things About Me as an Interior Architect

By 14:28

                                                                       10 Lucruri despre mine ca Arhitect de interior

1. I knew what I wanted to be since I was 11. I was always dreaming of being a famous painter until my mother told me a little bit more about architecture and design and I guess she got my attention pretty seriously. *RO* 1. Stiam ce imi doresc sa fiu inca de cand aveam 11 ani. Visam mereu sa fiu un pictor celebru cand mama a inceput sa imi explice putin mai mult decat stiam despre arhitectura si design si mi-a captat atentia, cred, intr-un mod destul de serios. 2. I am a minimalist interior architect (in the making) -when I discovered minimalism my whole life changed to good, I applied it in almost all the aspects of my life including my designs. I saw the benefits of minimalism applied into my work when I realised my design was more clean, I started to get a stronger concept, there were no more colors to blind the eye so the projects were much more enjoyable and easier to read. 2.Sunt un arhitect de interior minimalist - cand am descoperit minimalismul am simtit cum toata viata mi s-a schimbat in bine. L-am aplicat in aproape toate aspectele vietii mele incluzand designul. Am vazut beneficiile minimalismului aplicat in munca mea cand am realizat ca proiectele mele sunt mai curate, mai clare. Am inceput sa am un concept mai bine sustinut si nu existau culori care sa orbeasca asa ca deja proiectele mele erau mult mai placute si mai usor de citit. 

3. I do my work with a lot of passion, I put love and attention in every detail and I can work so well under the stress factor and during nights (not so many in a row tho).3. Lucrez cu foarte multa pasiune. Pun iubire si atentie in fiecare detaliu si pot sa lucrez foarte bine sub presiunea stresului si in timpul noptilor (nu prea multe totusi). 4.I drink a lot of coffee and I would drink even more if it wouldn't kill me. Coffee is my strongest morning motivation, nothing else gets me out of bed faster than coffee (and the most amazing man who actually makes me coffee in the morning). 4. Beau multa multa cafea si as bea chiar mai multa daca nu m-ar omori. Cafeaua este cel mai puternic factor motivational pentru diminetile mele, nimic nu ma da jos din pat mai repede decat cafeaua (si barbatul minunat care face cafeaua dimineata pentru mine).

5. I have been preparing for this carrer for 9 years in a row: I went to architecture highschool for 4 years and after that of course, Ion Mincu University of Architecture- for another 5 years. I would choose it the same way any time. 5. M-am pregatit pentru aceasta cariera timp de 9 ani: am urmat liceul de arhitectura timp de 4 ani iar apoi, bineinteles, Universitatea de Arhitectura si Urbanism Ion Mincu,Bucuresti. As alege din nou la fel. 6. I wear glasses-  and I am rockin' 'em. It would be strange not to need glasses after so many days and sleepless night living as a architecture student. 6. Port ochelari- si arat foarte bine cu ei. Ar fi ciudat sa nu am nevoie de ochelari dupa atatea zile si nopti nedormite ca student arhitect. 7. I love to help others with their projects, it is actually a big satisfaction to teach/ help other students undestand and appreciate architecture and interior design. One of my goals is to do that at a higher level later on. 

8.I am now at my first full time job in a architecture studio and I love everything about it. The energy there is amazing and I will soon post an article about the company I work for and the projects we are working on. 8. Sunt acum la primul job intr-un studio de arhitectura (cu program normal si nu doar part-time) si iubesc tot ce se intampla acolo. Energia din birou este minunata, imi propun sa scriu un articol despre compania la care lucrez si despre proiectele noastre.9. I had a moment when I wanted to give up -in the winter of my second year of University- I had the biggest meltdown regarding school. Being under so much stress and caused by the lack of sleep the fear got to me and in that moment I didn't think I would ever be able to go on with work and school. And I was so wrong. It was the only time I felt like giving up on my dream of being an interior architect. Safe to say I got over it after a weekend of sleep and soul food. 9. Am avut un moment in care am vrut sa renunt- in iarna anului doi de facultate- am avut cea mai mare depresie legata de scoala si cariera. Din cauza lipsei de somn si a faptului ca ma aflam intr-o perioada foarte stresanta, am simtit ca nu am sa imi mai pot continua munca si scoala. Si urma sa imi dau seama cat de mult gresesc. A fost singura data cand am simtit ca vreau sa renunt la visul meu de a deveni arhitect de interior. Si foarte simplu de spus este ca am trecut peste toata aceasta drama dupa un weekend de somn si mancare buna. 

10. I am constantly working on being better. But much more on being organised.It is something architecture school doesn't teach you but it is so much required. It is a skill you'll have to develop on your own. Funny part is organisation videos or blog posts is what inspires me and motivates me the most. 

10. Sunt intr-un continuu progres si dezvoltare personala.Dar lucrez si mai mult la a fi organizata. Este ceva ce scoala de arhitectura nu te invata dar este atat de necesar. Este o aptitudine pe care trebuie sa ti-o dezvolti pe cont propriu. Partea amuzanta in cazul meu este ca filmuletele si postarile cu si despre organizare ma inspira si ma motiveaza probabil cel mai mult. 

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