Fashion style and interior architecture- create your own story
Moda si designul sau arhitectura de interior.
Atunci cand amenajez un spatiu imi imaginez o poveste. La fel si cand imi pregatesc un outfit. Felul in care imbrac spatiul interior este inspirat de cele mai multe ori din felul in care ma imbrac pe mine.Apoi se intampla invers. Spatiul respectiv ma imbraca pe mine in culorile si in texturile alese. Legatura dintre aceste doua domenii ale artei atat de diferite este stransa. Cand ne decoram casa, spunem o poveste. Aceeasi poveste pe care o spunem atunci cand ne imbracam. Designul ales trebuie sa fie practic si placut estetic dar si mai mult acesta trebuie sa ne asigure comfort. Ca adept al minimalismului, vreau ca tema designului aleasa de mine sa reflecte modul meu de viata- astfel- culori neutre, linii clare, functionalitate, simplitatea formei, tesaturi din fibre naturale, materiale precum lemn, sticla, piatra naturala, beton. Includ in aceasta tema a designului atat optiunile mele in design interior cat si pe cele din arta vestimentara.
Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions. Coco Chanel
Inspirata de architectura, design si de arta vestimentara, am creat imagini prin intermediul carora m-am transpus in diferite scenarii cu o singura tinuta vestimentara in culori si piese basic.
When I design or style a space I think of a story for it. The same happends when I am creating an outfit. The way I dress the interior space it is mostly inspired by how I am dressed.Then it's quite the opposite: the interior space of the building dresses me in colors and textures I chose for it. The link between these so different fine arts must be so strong. When we design our house, we tell a story. The same story we tell when we dress up. The design we agree on must be practical, aestethic and as an important part, it must be comfortable. As a lover of minimalism I want my design theme to reflect my lifestyle- so like- neutral colours, fine lines, functionality, simplicity of the form, fabrics from natural fibers, materials such as wood, glass, rock and concrete. I includ on this design theme my options as in interior design and also in fashion.
Fashion is architecture: it is a matter of proportions. Coco Chanel
Inspired by architecture, design and fashion, I've created images that helped me transposed in some different scenarios with only one outfit in neutral colors and basic pieces.

Fusta/Skirt :Zara
Top: Bershka
Sandale/ Sandals : Mango
Geanta/Bag: Dior "BeDior" Flap Bag
Ask me anything:
Instragram: @andreeabotta
Photos: Int. Arh. Lidia Ratoi
Collage by me
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