Motivational- incepe de azi

By 11:05

*RO*   Exista un principiu dupa care ma ghidez neintrerupt cam de cand am inceput sa folosesc internetul- si asta insemna acum foarte mult timp: intreaba-l pe google, cauta pe youtube. Orice imi trece prin minte, orice aud si nu cunosc, orice curiozitate as avea dau un search pe google sau un tutorial pe youtube, uneori ambele. Nu vreau sa imi permit vreodata sa spun "nu stiu" ci doar "nu stiu inca". Este un obicei bun si pare ceva evident din moment ce accesul la informatie ne este nelimitat. 

*EN*    There is a rule I guide myself on from almost since the day I started using the internet- meaning a very long time ago: ask google, search on youtube. Anything that crosses my mind, anything I hear and I want to know more of, any curiosity I might have, I search it on google or I try to find it as a tutorial on youtube, sometimes both. I don't ever want to allow myself to say "I don't know" but only "I don't know yet". It is a good habbit and it might seem obviously since we have unlimited access to the information.   ggg
*RO*   Insa nu este chiar asa pentru ca majoritatea oamenilor nu actioneaza astfel. Am fost invatati sa asteptam ca cineva sa ne invete, sa ne ghideze si sa ne motiveze fara ca noi sa avem macar initiativa de a o face. "Nu stiu" este cel mai accesibil raspuns si totusi atat de daunator . Cei care se ghideaza dupa principul "nu stiu" vor ramane intr-un punct fix; in zona de comfort. Stim cu totii (banuiesc) schema *confort zone here* si locul unde se intampla actiunea *here* adica in afara zonei de comfort si mult mai departe de aceasta. 

*EN*   But the situation is not actually like this, people don't usually act this way. We were learned to wait for someone to teach us or guide us or even to motivate us without us having the initiative to do so. "I don't know" it is the most accesible answer and still so damaging. The ones that live on "I don't know" rule will remain the same place: in the comfort zone. I guess we all know that picture of *comfort zone here* and the place the action happends *here*- outside and far away from the comfort zone. 

*RO*   Astfel, sfatul meu este sa nu tragi de timp si sa nu amani, nimeni nu are sa vina sa te motiveze sau sa te invete, e ceva ce trebuie sa faci singur. Internetul detine informatia. Intra pe google si cauta tutoriale de youtube "How to..." despre cum sa faci lucrurile pe care iti doresti sa le faci. Crede-ma, orice te-ai intrebat vreodata- gasesti acolo. Atitudinea "nu stiu" nu mai functioneaza in 2016. Este momentul sa incepi sa stii. 

*EN*  So my advice would be don't hold back, don't postpone, nobody is going to come and motivate you or teach you, it is just something you have to do by yourself. The internet has the information. Go to google and search for "How to..." tutorials on youtube and start learning how to do anything you want to do. Belive me, anything you ever imagined- it is there. The "I don't know" attitude is not working anymore in 2016. It is the time you start knowing. 

Ps. Cand spun google si youtube ma refer si la carti, pot fi carti online sau carti audio pe care sa le asculti acasa in timp ce faci curatenie, in masina sau la sala. 

Ps2. Pentru o minte limpede si o atitudine optimista, incepe prin a curata locul in care lucrezi/studiezi. Ai grija sa nu existe obiecte si culori care sa iti distraga atentia. Scapa de orice obiect care nu iti mai aduce bucurie sau nu iti mai foloseste. 

Ps3. Acesta nu este un articol off-topic, motivatia este ceva ce trebuie sa mentinem si sa antrenam in fiecare zi. Este ceva ce ma pasioneaza si face parte din programul meu zilnic de dezvoltare personala. 

Lasa-mi un mesaj si spune-mi ce te motiveaza pe tine in fiecare zi si am sa scriu un articol despre principalele mele surse de motivatie.


Ps. When I'm talking about google and youtube I am also refering to books, it can be online books of audio books you can listen to while cleaning the house, in your car or at the gym. 

Ps2. For a clear mind and a positive optimistic attitude, start by cleaning your work/study place. Make sure there are no objects or colors distracting you. Get rid of any object that no longer brings you joy or it is no longer useful.

Ps3. This is not an off topic article, motivation is something we must feed and mentain daily. It is something I'm passionate about and it's part of my daily program of personal development. 

Leave me a message and tell me what motivates you every day and I will write an article about my main motivators. 

Instagram: @andreeabotta 

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