Exotic minimalism in 7 steps
I might make it easy for you to spot that I'm an exotic atmosphere lover, still in a minimalistic manner. Even tho the word "exotic" includes images of outrageous prints and colors, this is not the case for me. What I purpose here is to take a look into the minimal exotic lifestyle and to pick some simple elements to includ in our home and also in our look.
I am giving you the way to style your home for a nice exotic summer vibe
*without changing too much*
1. Baskets- I see baskets for interior design to be the summer hats in fashion. Have them big, small or in two different colors. They will make a nice touch to the comfy exotic look for your home. You can also style them as bags. Feel free to have fun with it while still keeping it simple.
Probabil ca e usor de inteles cat de mult iubesc aceasta atmosfera exotica, totusi intr-o forma minimalista. Chiar daca "exotic" include imagini ale unor printuri si culori iesite din comun, nu este cazul pentru mine. Ceea ce propun aici este sa aruncam o privire in stilul de viata exotic minimalist si sa alegem cateva elemente simple pe care apoi sa le includem in casa si chiar in look-ul nostru.
Iti propun modul de a iti amenaja casa pentru un look exotic *fara a face multe schimbari*
1. Cosuri- Vad cosurile pentru design interior a fi corespondentele din moda pentru palariile de vara. Alege-le mari, mici sau in doua culori diferite. Acestea vor fi optiunea perfecta pentru look-ul exotic comfortabil al casei tale. Deasemenea, le poti purta ca si genti. Simte-te libera sa te distrezi cu ele dar in acelasi timp sa pastrezi totul simplu.

2. Plants- choose a small palm tree, a cactus or a pineapple plant (you can find them at Ikea). Keep them in big bowl inside the house.maybe in the living room or into your backyard with a cozy exterior sofa and some good lighting.
2. Plante- alege un palmier mic, un cactus sau un ananas (le poti gasi la Ikea). Aseaza-le intr-un bol mare in interiorul casei, poate in living sau chiar in exterior- in gradina din spate alaturi de o canapea comfortabila pentru curte si niste corpuri de iluminat

3. Exotic fruits- keep a basket of pineapples, coconuts and bananas in your home. They look good, taste amazing and they are healthy. Style them in a big basket or a plate and see the way the atmosphere in your house changes.
Fructe exotice- pastreaza un cos cu ananas, nuci de cocos si banane in casa. Arata bine, sunt delicioase si extrem de sanatoase. Aseaza-le intr-un cos mare sau pe o farfurie si observa felul in care iti vor schimba atmosfera intregii case.

4. Wood- exotic wood is the best for this look, but any kind of wood will make it. Have some wood kitchen tools like this picture here and put them somewhere you can see them. Also have a little wood coffee table as a nice touch up or even a small nightstand made from and old chair. The wood will give an amazing natural look to your home and it will make it feel more comfortable.
5. Tiles- maybe you have them already in the kitchen or in the bathroom. In this case, you shoud appreciate them more and style them properly. If they are clear and simple, you can add some objects and accesorries to make them stand out. If you have colorful patterns, a simple plant will help them look great.
4. Lemn- lemnul exotic este de preferat pentru acest look insa orice tip de lemn ar merge. Opteaza pentru unelte de bucatarie din lemn si aseaza-le la vedere. O masuta de cafea din lemn ar fi o alegere buna sau chiar o mica noptiera realizata dintr-un scaun vechi. Lemnul va da casei un aspect foarte natural si te va face sa te simti comfortabil.
5. Placile ceramice- probabil le ai deja in bucatarie si/sau in baie. In acest caz, ar trebui sa le apreciezi mai mult si sa le pui in valoare corespunzator. Daca acestea sunt simple si albe, poti adauga cateva obiecte si accesorii pentru a le scoate in evidenta. Daca placile ceramice au o textura greoaie si colorata, o planta simpla le va face sa arate bine.

6. A touch of color- in this case I choose turquise. It maches the sea, the plants, sometimes the sky. It's a color that won't hurt the eyes when it's used well. Get some home decor in this color, paint a wall or a part of a wall. Anyway, keep it simple with this also. Have only some little turquise details.
7. Get the look and get the pug- oooh well. My look is the most basic three-four pieces for a cozy summer day. Yes, even the shoes if you want to explore the neighbourhood like I did. Don't forget sunscreen and the sun glasses.
6. Putina culoare- in acest caz eu am ales turcoaz. Este culoarea marii, a plantelor si uneori a cerului. Este o culoare care nu raneste privirea atunci cand este folosita bine. Achizitioneaza obiecte de decor in aceasta culoare, vopseste un perete sau o parte a unui perete. Oricum, pastreaza si aici totul cat mai simplu. Alege sa ai mici detalii turcoaz.
7. Obtine acest look si decide sa ai un pug- eeei bine. Look-ul pe care l-am purtat contine cele mai de baza trei-patru piese pentru o zi comfortabila de vara. Da, chiar si incaltamintea daca vrei sa iti explorezi cartierul asa cum am facut eu.Nu uita crema de protectie si ochelarii de soare.

This cute corner it is about my summer polaroids. Kind of a story teller.
Outfit: Bershka top
Top Shop shorts
Zara blazer
Timberland Shoes
Big thanks for the pictures to my amazing boyfriend: Paul Toma
and the most gorgeous pug: Jacques B.
Ask me anything: andreea.ioana_bota@yahoo.com
Instagram: @andreeabotta
Acest colt este despre fotografiile polaroid din aceasta vara. Un fel de narator al povestii.
Ce am purtat: Bluza Bershka
Pantaloni scurti Top Shop
Blazer Zara
Incaltaminte Timberland
Multumesc minunatului meu iubit pentru poze: Paul Toma
si celui mai frumos pug: Jacques B.
Intreaba-ma orice: andreea.ioana_bota@yahoo,com
Instagram: @andreeabotta
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