24 things in 24 years
* EN*
Every year, more exactly every December I make a list of things I achived during the year and the things I learned also. It's more of a gratitude list, and this year it is no different. Of course, I made my list and I felt more relived than ever. The year was tough but I was tougher, a lot of ups and downs but this list highlighted only the good parts of it, my best achivements and mostly me being closer to my goals or even reaching some of them.
Because my list is a bit personal, I created another one to share with you: a list of 24 things I learned in my 24 years. It's more like an advice list, self-advice maybe, everything from my own personal experience.
1. Love and respect yourself if you want people to treat you the same.
2. You can do and become anything you set your mind to.
3. You create the wold around you-you are constantly creating yourself and the enviroment you live in.
4. Fear is your worst enemy. Fear of failure.We usually refuse to live the way we want to because we are afraid of being wrong. Be fearless and shameless.
5. Less is more. Materialistic stuff do not matter and never will. Have less and be more.
6. Love is the only thing that is real. Love and respect. Nothing beats that.
7.Do it with passion. Everything. Live every day with intention and awareness. Nothing can go wrong when you do it with passion.
8.Succesful people failed many times before getting there. Let failure be a source of motivation.
9.Family. You can lose everything as long as you have your family by your side. This is important and belive me- I've been there.
10. Mantain your health. Eat well and practice sport. It will help your body, soul and mind.
11.Never stop trying. Practice makes perfect.
12. Google and Youtube. There is no longer a "I don't know", it is only a "I don't know yet". Do your research.
13. Only you define you. Don't let them tell you who you are and what you're worth.
14. Friends. Ah. Learned it the hard way. Those people who are actually happy for you.
15.Be her\his peace.
16. Don't stress on anything. Organise.
17.You are in a constant change and progress. Learn, study and improve yourself.
18. If you're still thinking about it, you should do it.
19. Everything in the world behaves like mirrors.
20. Don't be ashamed of who you are. Embrace it. Be weird.
21. Never let anxiety put you down. You fight it by constantly reminding yourself you are an awesome person.
22. Forgive and go on. Hate is time wasted.
23. Change as many times as you feel like it. Improve.
24. Succes is not about fame or money, it is about being content with who you are and what you do. That feeling of peace at the end of the day.
Tell me what's on your list. What life-advice do you have or what would you consider to be an important lesson you've learn so far. Comment below or leave me a message.

All my loving to you!

In fiecare an, mai exact in decembrie fac o lista cu lucrurile pe care l-am realizat si cu cele pe care le-am invatat de-a lungul anului. Este mai mult o lista de apreciere pe care am facut-o si in acest an. Bineinteles, dupa ce am facut lista m-am simtit mai linistita ca niciodata. Anul care aproape a trecut a fost plin de suisuri si coborasuri insa aceasta lista scoate in evidenta doar partile bune ale anului, realizarile mele si in final eu fiind mai aproape de obiectivele mele si chiar indeplinind o parte din ele.
Pentru ca lista mea este destul de personala, am creat o alta lista pe care sa o impartasesc cu tine: 24 de lucruri pe care le-am invatat in 24 de ani. Priveste-o ca pe o lista de sfaturi toate filtrate prin propria mea experienta.
1. Iubeste-te si respecta-te daca vrei ca si ceilalti sa o faca.
2. Poti sa faci si sa ajungi orice iti propui.
3.Tu creezi lumea din jurul tau- esti intr-o constanta creere a ta si a mediului tau.
4. Frica este cel mai mare dusman al tau. Teama de a esua. In general refuzam sa traim asa cum am vrea din cauza ca ne este frica sa gresim. Fii neinfricat si nerusinos.
5.Mai putin este mai mult. Lucrurile materiale nu au contat niciodata si nici nu o vor face. Sa ai mai putin si sa fi mai mult.
6. Iubirea este singurul lucru real. Iubirea si respectul. Nimic nu depaseste asta.
7. Fa-o cu pasiune. Traieste intentionat si constient in fiecare zi. Nimic nu poate sa mearga rau cand pui pasiune in tot ceea ce faci.
8. Oamenii de success au esuat de multe ori pana sa ajunga acolo. Lasa esecul sa te motiveze.
9. Familia. Poti sa pierzi totul atat timp cat ai familia altaturi. Este un lucru important si crede-ma, am fost acolo.
10. Ai grija de sanatate. Mananca sanatos si fa sport. Iti va ajuta corpul, mintea si sufletul.
11. Incearca si nu renunta.
13. Doar tu te definesti pe tine. Nu ii lasa sa iti spuna cine esti si care este valoarea ta.
14.Prieteni. Ah. Acei oameni care se bucura sincer pentru tine atunci cand esti fericit.
15. Fii linistea ei\lui.
16. Nu lasa nimic sa te streseze. Organizeaza-te.
17. Esti intr-o schimbare si intr-un progres continuu. Invata, studiaza si dezvolta-te.
18. Daca este inca in mintea ta, ar trebui sa o faci.
19. Totul in aceasta lume se comporta ca o oglinda.
20. Nu te rusina de ceea ce esti. Bucura-te de asta. Fii ciudat!
21. Nu lasa depresia sa te puna la pamant. Aminteste-ti in mod constant ca esti o persoana minunata si poti depasi aceste momente.
22. Iarta si mergi mai departe. Ura este o pierdere de timp si energie.
23. Schimba-te de cate ori crezi ca este nevoie. Progreseaza.
24. Succesul nu este despre faima sau bani, este despre multumirea personala si cea profesionala. Este sentimentul de liniste de la sfarsitul zilei.
Spune-mi ce este pe lista ta. Ce sfat ai avea sau ce lectie importanta ai invatat pana acum care ar fi demna de pus pe lista. Lasa un comentariu mai jos sau scrie-mi intr-un mesaj.
All my loving to you!

All my loving to you!

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