By 06:01


Sa fie  oare recunoasterea lor primul pas spre schimbarea obiceiurilor proaste?
Daca functioneaza asa, m-am gandit sa ma folosesc de pretextul noului an si sa fac lista mea de obiceiuri pe care nu as vrea sa le modific in noul an. 

1.Dependenta de ...Cafea-my guilty pleasure si bineinteles unul dintre obiceiurile mele *rele*. Uneori in timp ce lucrez la un proiect beau cafea pe tot parcusul noptii si ziua urmatoare. Chiar si atunci cand imi tremura mainile, mai beau o cafea.
Ugh.Mai putina cafea pentru mine in acest an. 

Is it maybe being aware the first step to solving a bad habbit? if it is actually working this way, I figured I will use the "new year new me" thing to change some of my bad habbits. 

 1. Addicted to the pot.  Coffee-my guilty pleasure and of course my bad habbit. Sometimes *while working on a project* I drink coffee all night long and the day after. Even when my hands are shaking I would drink another one.Ugh. 
Less coffee for me, please. 

2. Port ochelari Nu-mi port ochelarii pana nu incepe sa ma doara capul, sa imi lacrimeze ochii si sa nu mai pot lucra. 

2. I wear glasses  I don't wear my glasses until my head hurts, my eyes are watery and I can't work anymore.

3. Iphone- petrec mult timp folosindu-mi telefonul.Acesta s-ar putea sa fie cel mai rau obicei de care sper sa scap in curand. Va voi tine la curent. 

4. Dezorganizare digitala- aici am inceput sa fac mici schimbari inca de anul trecut. De fiecare data cand lucrez la un proiect, desktopul computerului meu este aglomerat si incarcat iar dupa o sedinta foto de cateva sute de poze...hot mess. Imi propun sa gasesc un sistem care sa ma ajute sa imi pastrez computerul curat si organizat.Telefonul la fel.

3. Checking, posting, scrolling-I spend a lot of time using my phone. This might be the biggest bad habbit I'm about to change. I'll keep you posted about it. Haha

4. Digital clutter- working on it. Everytime I work on a project my computer desktop looks like a hot mess and after a photoshoot my picture folders look like ...you got the idea. I need a system to help me keep my computer clean and organised. Same goes for my phone.


5. Marea mea atractie pentru dulciuri-nu cedez foarte des si de obicei incerc sa mananc dulciuri raw vegane si deserturi preparate in casa insa nu am sa renunt la minunatele clatitele cu nutella pe care le face el in  fiecare duminica dimineata.

5. Sweets- not giving into that often, I usually try to eat raw vegan sweets and home made desserts but my guilty pleasure looks like this * the amazing nutella pancakes* he makes every Sunday morning. Why would I give up on that?

...well. There is another list of bad habbits I'm not going to change.
Yes, I'm bad like that. 

What's on your list?

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